2005 has just past and now is the beginning of 2006. What is your resolution for this year??
I don’t really have a new year resolution coz I already have a list of things that I wanted to do, to have or to learn. Please don’t laugh when you read the list, it may change during the course of time.
1. David Eddings’s saga – Belgariad, Mallorean, Elenium, Tamuli and Elder Gods (still not finished)
2. Driving License
3. Car
4. Learn foreign language (apart from English)
5. Digital Camera
6. Videocam
7. Robotech Series (not finished)
8. Learn Photography
9. Learn any musical instrument
10. To own a house
11. Tour to Europe
12. To have my own business
13. Motorola PDA phone
14. Guess watch
15. Plasma/LCD TV
16. Notebook
What else?? I lost the original list though, so, this is the only things on my mind at the moment.
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