Thursday, April 13, 2006

Life's Like That??!!

Okla.. okla.. aku nak update la nih.. Uihh.. lamanya tak update blog. Sorry yer.. bz skeet semenjak dua menjak ni + pulak macam malas dan tak dak mood nak update. Apa aku nak cita ahh??

Crita pasal cuti hari Isnin baru ni.. Balik kg and Azima called nak kenenkan aku ngan mamat ni..

So, for the sake of Azima, I went out with him last night.. He works with KDN and attached to Bukit Aman. You can guess la his line of work..

How should I say it.. I don't think I want to go out with him again!! Drinking, constant whining ( yo!! you think you're the only one having problems in this world??!!), bragging (macam bagus!!), boring, he really likes to repeat his sentences over and over again (which is something that really irritates me), pushy pas tu konon macam ala-ala jiwang romantik karat.. aduh mak tensen!! Ada la ciri-ciri yg kat dalam 10+1 things I remain singles

All this while, we've heard about corruption and bribery and so on.. well.. I saw it all last night!! Hearing and seeing is different and for me it's totally unacceptable. The cards are in your hands and you are what you choose to be, don't put the blame on the environment or somebody else. Enough about that!! I'll post later.. no mood already!!


  1. Anonymous3:00 am

    Aku rasa budak tu baru blajr mengurat...ayat jiwang berkesan tapi klu kena pd orgnya...wanita yg 'sempoi' tidak sesuai dgn ayat jiwang...klu aku la.. hmm relax je.. bual pun perkara common... tapi mmg tak sesuai klu baru kenal terus pegi date...yg penting skali build comfortable....klu baru kenal just antar sms @ call(kejap je,jgn ckp yg panjang2 sbb baru knal) cth ayat: hello...tak tidur lagi..? maaf la menggangu memalam menganggu ke..? Hiss... suruh budak tu Kursus mengurat dgn aku dulu la...Muhahahaha

  2. Anonymous3:14 am

    Ida....aku kesian btul kat ko ni...:D


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